Online Abstract Submission is closed
Environmental Microplastics Online Symposium 2021 is an exciting opportunity to learn about the latest developments in environmental microplastics. The conference technical program has dedicated sessions for analytical technique & methods, Monitoring & Assessment and in eco-toxicology. We have experts from these topics who will be presenting their research on those specific topics. At the same time, the program has few blocks and E-posters session for young researchers and PhD students to present their latest research on Environmental Microplastics and get some good feedback/suggestions for improving your research work.
We are inviting participants to submit your abstract in one of the following topics for Technical committee review and consideration.
- Analytical Techniques and Method Developments
- Microplastics Monitoring and Assessment
- Microplastics Toxicological studies
Important Deadlines:
Abstract Submission : 30 September 2021
Acceptance Notification: 15 October 2021
Registration Deadline: 1 November 2021
Submit Abstract – Closed