About Us
SG LAB FORUM is a Singapore based Professional body that connects Chemists, biologists, Engineers, Scientists and Researchers working in laboratory in the field of food safety, environmental research or Materials Science. This forum provides opportunities for learning, knowledge sharing, networking and collaboration.
We organize training, workshops, seminars and conferences on emerging topics and give continuous feed for knowledge update and Networking.
Environmental Microplastics Symposium 2021
Microplastics has received great attention in the recent past years because of its potential impact on the environment and human health. The number of publications in this topic has increased substantially. However, the practical considerations and protocols for microplastic pollution have not been understood properly regarding their distribution, biotoxicity, sampling, and identification in the aquatic environment. There are many questions remain open.
It is important to bring the experts together for some knowledge updates, filling gaps, identify new questions and give some directions for future work.
SG Lab Forum has taken efforts to bring microplastics experts, working in different fields (technique, monitoring and toxicology) to organize an online symposium where latest updates can be presented and provide the base for some fruitful deliberation to improve our understanding on this emerging topic.
Following experts have agreed to be part of this symposium technical committee and contribute to the technical content of the symposium.
Technical Committee Members
1. Prof Hajime Ohtani, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
2. Dr Scholz-Böttcher, Barbara, Senior Scientist, ICBM, Germany
3. Prof. Jes Vollertsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
4. Prof. Huada Daniel Ruan, Beijing University, UIC, China
5. Prof. Suresh Valiyaveettil, National University of Singapore
6. Ms Joana Prata, CESAM, University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal
7. Dr Guillaume Drillet, SGS EHS Marine Services, Singapore
8. Dr Emily Current, Research Fellow, Tropical Marine Research Institute, NUS, Singapore
9. Prof Gopal Chandra Ghosh, Jashore University of science and Technology, Bangladesh
10. Dr. Prabhakar Sharma, Assistant Professor, Nalanda University, Bihar, India
11. Dr Sathrugnan Karthikeyan, Frontier Laboratories/SG Lab Forum, Singapore
Conference Management
SG Lab Forum has appointed Sri Sri Lab Solutions, a Singapore based professional consulting service company to manage this online symposium efficiently.
SG Lab Forum Management committee and Sri Sri Lab Solutions will be working closely in managing this virtual event including the virtual platform selection, sponsorships and registration.
For any further enquiries,
Please contact
Dr Sathrugnan Karthikeyan (sglabmembers@gmaili.com)
Ms Vijaya Srinivasan (secretary@advancedmaterialsconferences.com)